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The maritime scene in Pakistan lacked a key resource namely the deployment of underwater professionals. Local and overseas maritime communities operating in the region had to hire underwater specialists from abroad despite the prohibitive cost involved in routine maintenance and repair of sea-going vessels and a host of other ancillary services.
Late Mr. Syed Hassan Askari, founder, Indus Divers,
had the vision to foresee the growth of this specialized sector. He set the infrastructure in place.



Underwater Hull Cleaning
A well-cleaned and property maintained hull results in huge fuel savings. Hull cleaning in the olden times took on the form of paint coatings having cuprous oxide. In 1974, a new form of self polishing treatment known as “TBT” was introduced. But, because of the environmental hazards this treatment posed, it had to be discontinued. Nowadays, a different form of antifouling is used which is hospitable to fouling organisms and it only requires regular underwater cleaning.

Class Approved in Water Surveys
We have skilled professionals fully cognizant of planning procedures and different stages of execution. Over the years our manpower has gained a vast experience repairing different kinds of vessels with varying tonnage and capacities. Our scope of work extends from under water hull cleaning and propeller polishing to hull repairs by under water welding and cutting. We have technical solutions for afloat survey, maintenance and repair.

Underwater Propeller Polishing
While the hull is coated with antifouling paint, the propeller is not. Hence the only way to keep a propeller in shape is to ensure its proper and regular cleaning. Keeping the propeller blade surfaces smooth and inhospitable to countless marine organisms is a key task. When the blade surfaces of a propeller turn rough it results in minute scratches that allow marine organisms to settle and give way to formation of slime turning the blades into breeding grounds for weeds and shell which further compound the issue.

Underwater Maintenance
Indus Divers have maintained a leading position in underwater ship maintenance. We have skilled professionals fully cognizant of planning procedures and different stages of execution. Over the years our manpower has gained a vast experience repairing different kinds of vessels with varying tonnage and capacities.
Our scope of work extends from under water hull cleaning and propeller polishing to hull repairs by under water welding and cutting.

Salvage and wreck removal
Salvage and wreck removal constitutes one of the most difficult and challenging tasks in maritime sector. Fortunately, Indus Divers are ably assisted by the right team, men and material to deliver positive results on a project-to-project basis. We approach the issue as that of a social responsibility rather than just a commercial activity. Our team and efforts enjoy the strong backing in the form of technical collaboration with the world-renowned maritime service provider SMIT Salvage.